"An Archers Tale" by Sir_Timothy_

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Harrison was 11, his father was 58, and his mum was 40, He was ordinary, appart from the fact his father decided that he wanted his son to be his bodyguard... Rather strange, but this is how it ended...
"Harrison!" James, Harrisons father, yelled

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"what is it now dad?" he replied, in a sulky manner
"Don't speak to me like that BOY!" James said, unbuckling his belt and whipping it from its girths, he grabbed Harrison by the hair to stop him running, and slapped him, as he started to weep "No son of

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mine is a pussy!"
With this he shoved Harrison down by his shoulder and gave Harrison an almighty smack round the back with the buckle of his belt. Blood seeped through Harrisons plaid T-Shirt as he lay crumpled on the ground in agony, "A BOY MUST LEARN

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RESPECT FOR HIS FATHER!" James yelled, giving another almighty whip with the belt, this time striking Harrison just under the left eye, he then strode out of the room confidenty, holding Harrison by his shirt. All Harrison could see was blurred lines,

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tears marked his eyes. Sir Toby, , master of archery watched as his master dragged Harrison, Bleeding and weeping, through the garden towards him, Toby knew better than to oppose James' beliefs, but he also knew that this was not right, and swore that one

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day he would save Harrison from this abuse. James strode away back towards the house, re-doing his belt. Toby helped Harrison up, and examined the wound around his eye.
"It doesnt look to bad" He told him, Harrison stared at him before saying

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"We should get on with archery before Dad comes out and whips you to."
"Yea, I think so to",
Toby said, as he expertly whiped 2 recurve bows out of his backpack and strung them in one fluent movement before handing one and a pack of arrows to Harrison.

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"Well, I set up the course" Toby exclaimed, gesturing to the numerous signs at different distances down the garden.
"Nice" Harrison replied as he aimed the bow at the target, just as he was about to let go, Toby stopped him, laying a hand on

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Harrisons wrist, "Hey, mate, a bit lower"
"Ok" Harrison replied
"You have to remember that in forests, the wind is low, so the arrow will be naturaly levitated"
Toby told him, just as Harrison let go, the arrow soared clean off the side of the target

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before passing through the bars that marked the back of their garden.
"Close but no siggar" Toby said, as Harrison loaded another arrow into the bow,
"Slightly higher, a bit lower, slightly to the left, there, perfect" Toby said, leaning over Harrisons

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shoulder to get his point of view. Suddenly Harrison yelped, dropping to his knees and discarding the bow. Toby so far did not know anything about the shoulder wound and lifted Harrisons t-shirt to inspect this, this was the moment James chose to come out

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what he saw was this; His son being nursed by the person who was meant to be toughening him up. So, James undid the buckle for his belt and whipped it from its girth agressively, snapping some of the nylon girths along the way, he steamed towards Toby who

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had no intention of hurting his master and stood his ground until the buckle swung round his way, smashing into this jaw, sending him sprawling into the dirt, the next thing he saw was Harrison grab his bow and quiver and head for the trees. Now the

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buckle hammered into his left eyebrow, he stumbled up and headed for the cover of a table, not before the buckle smashed into his thigh, along with a shout from James "You are meant to TOUGHEN my son up! not nurse him like a kid!" Toby crashed into the

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dirt, and rolled to the left, narrowly missing an overhand swing at him, that now thudded uselessly into the ground next to his head, he rolled backward and made it under the table just as the buckle hit the table with a "THUNK"
"Harrison!" Toby yelled.

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"Slightly up!, SLightly to the left, slighty diagonal left, yep! perfect, wait, no, slightly to the-" his sentence was cut off by a whizzing noise and a gargled groan from James, as he slumped to the floor, dead, with an arrow out of his back.