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"steps" by KITTENGAMING1214
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How to get money.
By trainboy16
This is how I will be getting money, not you. You may do completly different things and get very good profits. DON'T FALL FOR A SCAM! this will make you loose a lot of $$$.
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Step 1: Get a job
Get a decent paying job like military, police, fire fighter etc. This is the only thing that you must do to make money and is required to complete step 2.
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Step 2: Wait.
Get your job and wait. Wait long enough to get enough money for step 3. Don't forget about ATMs, they give you money too! and also, don't buy things you don't need! don't buy a car, lots of beer, an apartment etc as you need lots of money!
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Step 3: Rent a mall plot
Rent a mall plot and start a bar/casino. Casinos can give you LOTS of money if you set them up right. Use dispencers (2 of them) behind a glass wall. Put 4 green wool and 5 red wool in one and 2 green wool and 7 red wool in
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another. Get another 1-2k after you get your shop up and then start you casino. Tell them to pay you and say double or triple (double is the one with 4/9, triple 2/9) and press the dispencer that is double or triple. Pay them double or triple the ammount
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they payed you if the wool is green, and if it is red, you keep it! At this point, you can start buying cheap things that you want, like renting an apartment, buying a cheap car, like a harley etc. If you hate doing this, just keep doing it! It's hard but
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you will problibly need more money to start a business you like to do. If only 1 person comes at night, keep doing it. If you can't keep doing it, work for someone else with decent pay.
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Step 4: Start a business you like.
Did you hate that job at the mall? Yes you say? Well then start a business you like! tour company? huge brewery? big casino? Whatever you want! and not only that you will like it, you will problibly earn more!
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evreyone has a bar at the mall, and there is a 'fixed price' at which you need to sell at (obviosly you can't sell a peice of steak for $100) Not only will your business be different, but you can sell things for a higher ammount! and you will like it more
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so you will work more, so you earn more money! Now you can start buying things you want! want a 100k luxury car? how about a nice house? any of these you can get now as you will have a lot more money, for reasons stated before.
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Step 5: Make your business larger.
Now, you should start hiring some enploees to do some of your job. You have a tour company? you can only drive 1 car at a time right (this is just an exampe you don't need to have a tour company)
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Well if you hire other enploees (don't give them tons of money, just enough that you can hire) And vola! now you have 5 cars working for your company. That means now you are making just under 5x the profits! (just under because of paying the workers)
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At this point if there is competition in the business you are in, hopefully you will be consitered a competator. At this point you are getting lots of money and maby don't know where to put some of it!
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Step 6: Make an empire!
Buy shops across all the citys, hire many enploees, Buy a large plot and make it your HQ, sell stocks (not like huntsmania lol) advertize and make your company a common name, heres an example (next page)
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Player Joined the server!
Evreyone> Welcome!
30 mins later
Player> What is somthing to do?
Evreyone> Go visit xyz's company!
where you are the owner of xyz
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At this point you have evreything you need, you buy your own mansion (or 2 or 3 or 4 or 10) Become the commisioner of somthing, have too much money and when someone askes for 100k you can really give it to them, start your own city. Pretty much do
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whatever you want! Now, you are going to ask. "What am I going to do now" and that is what I will answer on the next page
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What to do now:
You have made the biggest empire the server has ever seen, it seems like there is nothing left to do... well you could quit (lol no jk) become staff (if you arent allready), sell your company for a rediculos price and start an evan
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bigger one, or, you could just play! just play. And that is what I say you do. Just have fun and play.
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Just have fun and play.
Book written by trainboy16 copyrighted, do not dupelicate this book and sell it, I have the right to sue you. Thank you for reading and when
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I was writing this, I am poor! so thank you for buying this and supporting me, and to help me along the way
Thank you reader, you don't know how much you have helped.
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