"ENDER-NEWS II" by Enderhorse1

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1-5: Police Force
6-7: Unrented Things
8-12: The New Rule
13-15: List Of Staff
16-19: New Nations
20-21: Advertisements 22-24: Resignments I
25-27: George Ban
28-30: Resignments II
31-34: RDM Debate

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§ The Police Force

If you have read my earlier news article about this topic, you would have seen the part about how Enderhorse1 said that the police force was "untrained and inexperienced". This is still true, but I would like to announce the

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names of police officers, in my opinion, who do their job well. They are as follows:
Tyler134, for stopping Enderhorse1 numerous times from receiving money from bank robberies, TimThePvPMaster, for doing his job correctly and stopping bank robbers in

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their tracks. Now, I would also like to say how WirelessPotato, the police chief, was responsible for writing a now outdated Police Guide. When questioned about the topic, he responded with: "Everything is up to date in the book as far as I know." Me, as

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well as many others, want a full-rewrite of the guide to represent new laws and standards. You will hear more about this topic next week.

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Announcement Of
Unrented Things

That's right. All unrented regions will be converted to permanet regions, meaning no more of that frustration of all the mall shops being 2,000 dollars a week. Staring this month, as GrandDuke stated, Dragon

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hopes to successfully complete this major change. Many players are extremely happy, and look for new things to come. This is one step to a better economy, and a better Vindex Nation.

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The New Rule

A new rule is leaving citizens across Vindex Nation furious. On /rules 5, players noticed a new rule stating that all extensions or changes to the exterior of a house have to be approved by the president himself. Many home

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improvement companies, who add extensions for a living, are angry, as they are out of a job. Also, owners of houses such as Westhedges and Suburban homes are especially angry; they have such a big backyard, but a small house. Many players are hoping for

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this rule to be scrapped in the future, but staff said themselves it will not ever happen. A statement modified to fit our newspaper's criteria, made by an anoynmous staff member is as follows: "This rule is to prevent further inflation and economic

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issues." The people who are out of a job have regrew, though. Interior home improvement has skyrocketed, and businesses such as "Love It Or List It", owned and operated by Lukeblaster9, are among that group. Next week, I will do a special interview,

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asking five players of all different levels to share their opinions (Police officer, citizen, criminal, staff, and business owner).

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§ The List Of Staff

Surprisingly, many players do not know all of the staff on VindexCraft. I will list all of them, and include their rank and position within the server. Note: This list does not include retired and/or fired moderators and staff.

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Snapdawg: Secretary Of The Press

Secretary Of The

Secretary Of State

Mixermic: Secretary Of §§Defense

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Turtlc: Attorney

AlphaSlii_x: Speaker Of The House

CollinHH: Vice President

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Development Of
New Nations

As most players on VindexCraft know, numerous new nations have been created in an attempt to leave the, as quoted by one citizen "harsh society, known as Vindex Nation". Some of the major ones are

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Sliitopia and Hunt's (Huntsmania's) Island. These new societies were created for multiple purposes. To escape economic problems such as inflation, and just to overall live a better life on this server. I interviewed one citizen of Sliitopia named

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CelloIsMyLife. She said that she went to Sliitopia for "better and cheaper housing". She is one of about fifty who said the exact same thing. Will you stay in Vindex Nation, where new regions are created, but only those with lots of money can afford them,

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or go to the place where you can get a medium-sized shop for only 20,000 dollars. Many people have made the decision to go to foreign nations, while others haven't. It is purely up to what they want to accomplish on this server.

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Advertisements I

Go to CelloIsMyLife's Block Store in CollinCenter for cheap and quality blocks!

Purchase a ticket for only 10,000 to travel to Sliitopia!

Buy a dance floor from EnderLights! Msg Enderhorse1!

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Want a interior home remodel? Contact the "Love It Or List It" crew by private messaging Lukeblaster9 when he is online!

Want high-quality food? Go to DukeMart!

Want high-quality foods? Go To BurgerPalace!

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The Resignments

Many soldiers in high-positions have resigned from the military for a variety of reasons, most of them concerning the Supreme Commander, Sherlock1010. The people who have quit were Brenann, Enderhorse1, and CelloIsMyLife.

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Enderhorse1, when interviewed said that "the reason I quit was because I disapproved with the way the military was being operated. And the person who was operating it." Both CelloIsMyLife and Brenann responded with similar statements. Could the military

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be at risk? Could it recover? Although it is severly wounded, it probably can if Sherlock1010 fixes what he has done wrong.

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The Banning Of

Many people have asked me to re-write about this topic, as it has grown in popularity. I will give an update as to what is happening with George. The following has occured: I have noticed no activity from George

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this week. Dragon could have secretly blocked his IP address from accessing the forums, or George is just taking a break (somewhat). The entire week before this lull, George had been plaguing the forums with rude and nasty comments. Staff and players were

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both angry at him. If you wish to see the original, full article, please consult the first publication of Ender-News.

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The Resignments II
Both the Bank Manager (EchoCrafter) and the SWAT Team leader (Lukeblaster9) have resigned from their high-authority positions. The reason for EchoCrafter's was because of educational issues, but Lukeblaster9 resigned because of

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the hateful comments made toward him. One could say he resigned out of pressure. These positions are now electable monthly like Congressman, Mayor, and others. The current Bank Manager is MrBlocks, but as Lukeblaster9 resigned recently, the SWAT "team"

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currently have no leader. There have been many major resignments in VindexCraft, from Lieutenants in the army to Bank Managers. People like Jccx01, who was not mentioned in the military resignment area, rejoined the military, but later quit again.

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The Debate On RDM

RDM, or Random Death-Matching, brings anger to those who see or experience it. You warp to the bank, wanting to take out a 1,000 dollar loan. You are then warp killed by an immigrant. You are furious, and may even curse. About

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one hour later, a moderator shows up. Dozens of kills have occured by that person. RDM is something that happens way too much and needs to be stopped. Multiple solutions have been made: If a person is banned for RDM, than they shouldn't be unbanned, and

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all RDMers should be temp banned for one year with no chance of redemption. Dragon_12dk has considered these, and decides a /ban or /banip is the best way to go. To all those who experience RDM or witness it, please screenshot it and report. If a person

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is "robbing the bank" when /bank rob is less than around 0.99, screenshot the /bank rob number with the kills as sufficient evidence. The only way to stop RDMers is to report them. Reports are dealt with more efficiently now. May RDM be part of VC's past.

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As always, comments are always appreciated through /msg. All suggestions for new articles will only be taken into consideration if sent through /mail. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to mail me the question. I

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hope you enjoyed the second ENDER-NEWS newspaper. We give you what you want, when you want it.