"Lost children" by fifteenninjas

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Anne Finley and Rebecca were sitting on a bench in the middle of the forest till they heard a low and deep grumble Finley was freaking out he was so scared he thought hed explode well Anne thought that was silly but just to make Finley better they would

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go home but which way was home Finley Anne and Rebecca were lost in the dark in the woods. Maybe the way was behind them they turned round to look but everything was blur all they could see was the head of a wolf the one that had red highlighted eyes

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the Wolf made a sound that sounded more liek a grump but they were so scared they didnt think about anything but running dashing away from the wolf and probably away from home they ran at top speed wishing the wolf wouldnt follow they were freaked out

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about the woods and wanted to get out so they carried on running and running till they reached a view of hills there was one hill and standing on top of it was a tiny house not big at all just big enough to spot the idea was to ask the house keeper

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they could stay they would have done anything washing the dished feeding the house keeper farming just for a room away from the forest with the creapy wolf they staggered up the hill not walk they were jsut worrying about the wolf

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Finally they got to the top of the house and knocked on the door apparently the house was a hotel one were people would go to if they wanted to admire the country side and mother nature the kids had to pay £30 all together for 1 night D: they frowned as

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they saw the sign. Anyway they should atleast warn the Hotel owner about the dangerouse wolf with sharp teeth and red eyes "Hello are you the owner of the Hotel because there is a wolf in the woods that attacked us" explained Anne

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the House keeper was shocked and started worrying that the kids might be hurt and offered them some dinner and a room.
The owner said that the wolf has been there for ages so people arnt allowed in the forrest and that it was a new law

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because the govourment didnt want any people injured
"OH" the children gasped feeling guilty and missing their parents they aggreed to set off again after breakfast and not go through the woods and walk round the woods the long way home was over a

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mile away if they went through the woods but round the woods would take like 2 days they strolled for 12 hours till they saw a cave with voices coming out of it finley suggested they didnt go in but the others wanted to they thought someone could help

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them they whent in and saw a bed and a camp fire then someone jumped up at them and realised they were kids and not animals he explained that he lived surviving on killing cows and cooking it in the fire and there was no supermarket stuff he had to make

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it all himself. the children offered him some food they got given from the kind house keeper lady and gave him a 5th of it the man loved the
children and asked
if they needed help
they asked him what the shortest route to there town is the man told them

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he goes there to get some money and beg
every now and then
so he knew the route
the man said
the quickest way was
through the muddy path it was risky though because you can sink into the mud the man gave them 1 pair of mud proof shoes he made

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himself but there was only 1 pair so they though that they should take in turns and risk it they set of through the deep mud watching their
steps carefully
the mud was brown
and sloppy it was
1 foot deep and very

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Finley Suddenly screamed after stepping into the deepest puddle so
far which was 3 feet deep anne was wearing the boots so she
leaped in and
grabbed his arm
rebecca pulled Annes arm to make them stronger but it wasnt working

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finley was now so deep in it was to his waist he screamed 1 more time a squermed in the mud the other 2 pulled him out he asked to have the boots from
now on because he
was so scared
the others dodged all the mud puddles so they were all fine

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they could see the town ontop of the hills were the town hall was but it was still a mile to walk and they still had to gothrough the garden with all the plants that could sting you Finley refused to walk through but there was no other choice
so they did

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Finley walked up the hill behind anne feeling exhausted and begging to stop they refused
and carryed on
walking till they got
to the stinging plant field the plants
liked catching dangerous bugs so
there were also scary bugs

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Anne got bit from a rattle snake which was venemous and scary
they agreed for Anne not to walk anymore
they rushed through the flowers and
reached the town but they didnt know the route from the town hall to home it
was over a mile away

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untill they spotted a doctor having his lunch break and asked him to heal the snake bite he said that it had to be a big opperation so they needed a parent with them until they saw Annes step father walking down the street Anne still hated him for

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breaking her mums heart but asked for him to sit with her for a opperation the opperation took over 1 night and they all
wanted to go home
Annes opperation was finished and she had a big thick bandage round her leg were the bite took

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place Anne asked her step dad if you were wondering she had a dad then a step dad then a nuther step dad this was the 2nd step dad his name was bob and bob took
them home obviously Finley and rebecca lived somewhere else

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but they knew the way home from annes house and they said a big good bye next Anne rang the doorbell amezed she was home and hugged her mum so tight she couldnt breath her mouth had sucked in all the air from her and she walked in

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all the children explained the story to their parents and they decided to
go to all
the places with their
parents because they didnt want to get
lost like that again


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