"The Rebel" by polyfire

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The Rebel

Author: polyfire
- The goverment is a lie- said the rebel general John Samson at the end of his grand speech. That sentenc was the loudest one. Ofter he said that everyone started clapping... Everyone but me.

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I thought that joinig the rebelion would make me a hero, that it would make my parents proud... But all it did was give my sadness and shame. Today is the day of my first battle. The general said to kill all Vindex soldiers at sight.

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I don't think I can kill. This was the worse choice of my life.
The battle probably be bloody. I find blood quite disgusting. I almost vomit when I see it. There has to be some way to get out of this. I miss my home...
I miss my family...

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3 years later...
It's been three years since I joinded the rebels. I've gotten use to the fighting and the protests, but only when they aren't too messy. I still hate killing. I try to avoid it, but when I have to kill... I sadly do.

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Today is the day. The day when the life of all the rebels change. This is the day of the attack of the Vindex army. There were gun shots everywhere. Blood was all around. There was no escape...
I was lucky enough to get out through the

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Once I escaped I started running. I wasn't fast enough so
the soldiers were able to catch me. I started fighting. I used both my sword and my gun. It was one of me versus twenty of them. They were too strong.
I was captured and taken to thair base.

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In their base I was tortured, back in Vindex City I was sentenced to fourty years in prison. Ofter I was set free I went back to my family. My mother was dead and my father hated me for joining the rebels. I had no place to go.
I was alone... Forever.

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Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't join the rebels. You won't get freedom.