"Applicationform" by sprinklesdude

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Personal Information (In game info):
Alternate address:
Phone number:
Application information
Position sought (specify if at drive through or for those dining in):
Available start date:

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Desired pay range (per minecraft day worked):
Are you currently employed:
How long can you play per day on average on this server:
How much time while you are on can you spend working at snowcones:

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Have you been jailed for any crimes in the past two months if so say what. (having committed crimes won't make you not able to get the job but will be taken into account) Also list how many times:
Do you have experience as a waiter or chef:

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Previous employment experience
Please order beginning with most recent. List dates employed at that job, company name, location and your role, any premotions, and explain job notes tasks performed and reason for leaving.

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Other questions
Why do you want this position:
Do you plan on being loyal to this company:
Will you provide good customer service:
How long have you played on the server:
Do you have method of transportation for getting to work:

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Please state any questions you have about the position:

Sign you name here
