"Found" by Elviis

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=================== Book Report:
Batgirl & RedHood

Chapter 1: Huntrress and BlackCanarry's Nightmare.

Includes _RedHood, Batgirrl and ellllaa .

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Until one day, 23rd August 2017, A harsh event occured. Huntrress was with her friend JetBlackGold in her westhedge (WH025) when Huntress turned her back and was shot 17 times in the back with a thompson and then also killed JetBlackFlash with the same

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gun. They panicked until Huntress's close friend BlackCanarry saw _RedHood with the two dead bodies. BlackCanarry was furious and charged at _RedHood and knocked him out. When JetBlackGold and Huntrress both appeared back on the scene they felt betrayed

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to see their close friend _RedHood passed out as their killer. They interogated him slightly before he passed out from blood loss. They slowly carried on their night not feeling very safe anymore. The next two vindex days _RedHood had appeared twice more.

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Successfully killing us once but failed the next. Until the next night. Huntrress BlackCanarry Madiie and JetBlackGold were all hanging out at Huntrress's house once again. Huntrress went out to check on her llamas and to make sure the gate was locked

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she saw _RedHood in full diamond (unenchanted) armour with a shotgun out. He killed one llama and then the second one before 'Magically' being abled to get through a glass wall and into the llama