"Newspaper" by CookiCat

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VindexCraft

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Doctors paychecks are low.
They need to be raised. No doubt in my mind, hopefully it could be raised to about 95-110 says SurgeonGeneral, DoriaTheFish. Doctors have to spend their times making cures for people and sometimes
the prices to make the

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cures are quite pricy! Should their paycheck be raised?


See clown issue - A2

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The clown issue in VindexLand has gotten quite terrible. However they seem to be wearing off. There are less clowns in the city, and they seem to be less murderous. The main clown culture leader seems to have also left to join another job. kfrench is the

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clown cult leader and when I am writing this he is currently part of the army. Is this the end of the clown infestation in VindexCity?


See Diseases - A3

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Rebels have been mass producing weapons for attacking people with. What are these weapons you may ask? They seem to be viles with diseases, there have already been disease outbreaks with diseases such as the plague.

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What have we done to get the rebels so mad that they are infecting us?

See Congressmen- B1

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The congressmen elections are coming in a week! That is October 16th, 2016!!!!
Congressmen 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are getting elected in one week! Who are you going to vote? Who are going to be the candidates? I wonder who will win.
See Detectives - B2

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Detectives have gotten a HUGE update. They now actually have a job! Once a person (male or female) dies, their killer does not get announced in chat! So they can run away! However there are detectives that can figure out who murdered them!

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Detectives have magnifine glasses that they can use to see who murdered the person! Glad to see that they finally have a job!

See E123 Cafe - B3

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Want a cheap and quick meal? Come down over to E123! It is in section three of the mall and is in the zone of mallt8! I recently went there and bought some of their foods, It was absolutely delicious AND it was cheap!!!! Only $11 when in other places

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they often charge more than 70! Go to E123 Cafe now!!! Delicious meals await!!!

See Broadcast - C1

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There seems to be a broadcast that is corrupt constantly saying people are hacking, as far as I know, they date it began is the 19th, it is constantly saying people have been kicked for hacking! Is a moderator or administractor behind this?!?!?!

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Until this is fixed, the chat may never be peaceful, it seems to be targetting random people without a pattern!!!
See Rebeltalk - C2

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Rebels seem to have been arguing about rebels only having Rebel and Warlord! They have been everywhere trying to get rebels more ranks! Some rebels such as poorirish have even gone as far as to tell them that rebel ranks also need more pay!

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Why would they want more pay as they are rebelling against the government! Hopefully the rebels stop soon!
See Lag - C3

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Vindexcraft seems to have been extra laggy the past few days, is something up with the server? We may never know, there is only one person who may know and they dont talk, you know what I'm talking about... I'm talking about dragon_12dk, He must know the

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lag's cause! Hopefully he will fix it soon as it is getting as laggy as it is glitchy to walk now!!!
See New police station - D1

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The policestation is being rebuilt! In a different location beside college, there is a large blue building. That will be the new policestation when it is done, we have also noticed a decrease in police! What will WirelessPotato (Chief of Police) do

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when all his officers quit police! We may never know!! Maybe one day, we will figure out in the newspaper!!!
See Drivers - D2

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Many people have been doing the drivers test recently, the test has however not taught many people to drive on the right side of the road and obey the signs such as stop signs! We should get a driving instructor! Stop the madness of wreckless driving!

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The sooner the issue gets resolved with the drivers, the sooner the roads will be empty of wreckless driving!!!!
See Surgeon increase - D3

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Surgeons have increased rapidly! No more waiting for surgeons when you are nearly dead! There seem to always be surgeons at emergency room!
See Ads - Next Page

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Sorry, but this time around there are no ads! For your business to be in a advertisement, please tell us! Call CookiCat or Java!
See Final Endings

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Well thank you for reading this 25 page long newspaper,

Sincerely, CookiCat
and the newspaper
company!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3