"Divisions (1)" by OwenGrylls

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This booklet contains information regarding all divisions within the army in order to help you pick a division easier. If you have any questions regarding anything, then please ask them to the recruiter. We are always to help!

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Before you begin searching for a division, here is some useful information:

You can only join ONE main division, but you can join as many secondary divisions are you would like. Once you have made your decision on the division(s) you are joining,

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please let your recruiter know. Your recruiter will then sign you up for the division before you join.

PLEASE NOTE: You are not required to pick a division right now. If you are unsure of what division you want to join, that is fine.

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Army Aviation Corps (AAC): Main Division

Commander: General Grylls (OwenGrylls)

Deputy Commander: N/A


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AAC handles all military activites in the air during combat & patrol. AAC is composed of pilots, back seaters, and ATC. Pilot include rotary wing pilot and fixed wing pilots. Back seaters work with Rotary and Fixed Wing pilots on arial patrol and

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aerial recon. Air Traffic Control approves and rejects flights at Fort Irwin according to regulation.

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Infantry (1ID): Main Division

Commander; General I. Specter (Ian_Specter)

Deputy Commander: N/A

Description: Members of the 1st Infantry division serve as the main ground force of the army. Infantry usually relies

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on moving by foot between combat but may use other transportation methods. The infantry offers a variety of Millitary Occupation Specialties (MOS). These include: Rifelamn, Scout, Combat Medic, Sniper, Engineer.

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If you are interested in joining the first infantry division, please let your recruiter know.

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Army Medical Command:

Surgeon General of the Army: PurgePlanet

Deputy Surgeon General of the Army:

Description: MEDCOM is responsible for health and condition the army personnel. They provide medical support in

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the battlefield, emergency transportation for wounded transportation, and day-to-day healthcare in the base. In MEDCOM, there are 3 different branches: Combat Medic (CM), MedEvac (Me), and Physician (P). If you are interested in

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a medical field alongside warfare, MEDCOM is for you.

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Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC): Main Division

Commander: Sergeant Major Hood (B0YZNDaHood)

Deputy Commander: N/A

Description: TRADOC is the training command of the army. We work in general trainings

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in the army and anything do with training. TRADOC is mostly staffed with Dril Sergeants who train enlisted soldiers and assist with bringing new soldiers into the army.

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Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG): Secondary Division

Provost Marshal General: General Alarcon (apetoxsnakee)

Deputy Provost Marshal General: General Snake (ratlesnakee)

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Description: The OPMG oversees and operates the Military Police Corps (MPC) and the Military Police Corps Investigation Unit (MPCIU). The MP Corps provide protection to military officials either out of base, or on base. Their other duties include;

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patrolling around army installations and keeping the perimeter safe, gate duties, or military court protection. The MPCIU investigates all cases sent by the Office of Chief of Staff of the Army. At the end of the investigation, the MPCIU concludes all

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evidence and facts to a report that is later sent to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army.

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Office of Public Affairs (OPA): Secondary Division

Commanding General: General Grylls (OwenGrylls)

Deputy Commanding General: N/A


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The Office of Public Affairs primarily works to link the army with the public. Recruiters work on recruiting new members to the army through phone calls, radio announcements, etc. Recruiters also answer all unanswered questions that possible new recruits

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may have. The OPA also works to keep the public informed on all army related news such as appointments, public events, etc.