"Greed Pt. 1" by EthanThePanda

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Chapter 1: Greed
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Death. Violence. And all lives threatend around every corner. Drug deals, currupt cops, killers hiding in the shadows. And suprisingly, I was one of them. My name is John Sterbas.

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I own one of the biggest stars and multi billionaires in the world. And I started all of the violence. With the plague. I made it to destroy all my opponents. I wanted to be the strongest, not the weakest. So I let it out. It killed millions.

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But not the real enemy. Me. I survived and hid in the sewers of my home town, Tanzania. People were still dying left and right, day to day, week to week. People were killing everyone that came near. Friends turning on eachother.

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I started up a group of scientists that would try to cure the plague, but one got infected and it all went to hell in there. There is no hope. I have no hope. Only way to escape is to leave.
leave. leave. le-le-le-le-. The tape stopped.

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Chapter 2: Survivors
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"I think I figured out Who started this all." Matt said and handed it to Sally.
"Well... Who?" She asked sarcastically knowing who it was. We all knew who it was. All 5 of us had survived. We don't know who else.

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There was Matt, Sally, Me, Charlie, and Charlie's grandmother, Lorretta. We all knew Lorretta was going to be the first to go. She even knew. It was almost her time. But Charlie wouldn't accept that. He believed that she would live untill he died.

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He might have been right. 2 men rushed into the room with Ak-47s pointed at our heads.
"First to speak dies. So Shut up! We're here to hopefully help. We will bring you to a secure millitary base. To be tested." He gave the signal to his partner

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to pick us up to scan us. We were all clear. He lead us to his truck, and drove us past helpless people, houses on fire, people shooting at us, killers, gangs, and more horrifying things. Soon I was done with it. I tried to go to sleep but the screaming

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from the infected just kept coming. They were chasing us. They were gunned down. Repeating again again.
The killers were us. We were shooting. We were defending. Defending what? Nothing at all. We have nothing to live for. Nothing to survive for. Nothing

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to strive for. Nothing.
"We're here." The driver said hitting the side of the car. We pulled up at what looked to be an abandoned wearhouse, but a sign revealed that it was a military base. An old one. 5 people greeted us. All were in army suits.

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They brought us in. Tested. Data. Descriptions. And we walked by infected people being tested.
They were calling us to be tested and cured from the virus forever. They tested us one at a time. Charlie went first. Then Lorretta.

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Then.. a siren. Bombs blew. Screams. Death. The infected followed us. We ran. Down repeating hallways. Doors that awaited our fate. Faces that mocked us. And the door to leave. We kept running. Walking. Panting. Untill we saw a cabin.

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3 bunk beds. 6 beds in all. We all picked one. Lorreta and Charlie fell asleep holding hands. I fell asleep looking at Sally. And Matt stared out the window as if expecting something to happen.
Lights out.

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Chapter 3: A New Start ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I awoke to a scream from Sally. I rushed out and jumped from the top bunk. And looked at the 2, unresponsive bodies. Charlie and Lorretta deceased. They died the night before.

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Sally's face was just horrified and covered in tears. Matt was crying as well. I just stood there. In shock. Then I heard the door kick open.
"Hello, son." A man said. He had 2 army men behind him and 2 men were in the window. with snipers.

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Sally and Matt were gone. No where to be seen. The man walked to me. I could see his pale, sad face. I knew who it was. The man whose fame was swept away. The man who started it all.
"Hello, Dad"

To Be Continued...