"Basic Rules Book" by funman3425

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Hello and welcome to
The Adventure. This book will be a basic guideline to follow for rules and events with items. Firstly you must register with funman Surfer or an offical of the game. Secondly you must pick your class.(Marksman, Wizzard, Beserker

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Priest, One Handed Swordsman, or two handed swordsman.
Thirdly You will be given starter gear 1 basic class weapon 1 armour slot. This is all you get to start the game. Next lets talk about the the map as its good to know where things are for the most

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part quests and shops will be held at turtlecmansion in the Fountain zone the foutain will restore any lost mp or hp you might have used in a fight. The gamemasters will hand quests out based off of level and party size (please note you must finish the

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basic quests before moving on to harder ones. You also canot repeat quest for the reward but you can for the drop loot. The money for this game will be recored in books so please please please dont trade for the cash or dupe it as it will reduce what you

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actually have saved.
Trading is fine but just make sure a gamemaster is there to watch it happen. Also you can buy Cash from a gamemaster for 10,000$ per coin. (If you dont like the price play the game you earn coins as you play) Each class and the perks

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they have. Lets start with marksman they are bow users that have basic sight magic. Wizzards are magic based fighters that use wands to deal damage at medium range. Beserkers are axe wielding crazy with high attack and high defense. Priests are healers

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that use spells to help the party. One handed swordsmen are balanced in attack and defese but are slow due to having to carry a shield and sword. Two handed swordsmen are high in attack but low in defense. More classes may be added for a price later on.

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Stats you get 4 points at the start of the game to put in to magic magic defense physical, physical defense, dexterty, and agilty. Make sure you use your points wisely as you cant change them later. You get one stat point per level you earn.

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Leveling and quests
The way to level up is to A. do quests and fight monsters on that quest B. fight players for exp C. buy levels for 100,000$ each (Again if you dont like the price just play the game). Game masters will give you a book to fill out with

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what class you are what level you are diffrent magic you can use and what level your stats are. (Note the gamemasters have copys of your level stats money spells so dont try changing your book this will result in an account lost and you will be reset to

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level 1). How to fight the gamemasters will play as the npcs that you will be fighting agaisnt durning the quest they will also give out loot and rewards at the end of a fight. To see who goes first its who has the most agilty. That player may move so

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many spaces based of the /roll command using a 1 space to evry 10 roll(note Always rounds down)
You then may deak damge if in range and sight 1 handed 2 handed swords men and beserks must be 1 block away from the enemy mages and preist can be 3 blocks

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away and marksmen may be 5 blocks away this does go diagonal also. if you can hit use the weapon and state the damage and its name to see if it has a effect attached. Note you must do a hit roll to see if it hits if the roll is 10+ it hits. Your damage

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may be buffed due to stats you have say your a mage with a 1 attack wand but you have 3 in magic you deal 3 damage its wand + stat boost-1 due to the 1 you get at the start. When attacked its Damage - stat defense +1 (note you cant heal from a bad attack)

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Preist uses magic damage to up how much he heals his team mates Armour can be used to up your magic attack, defense or magic defense.
Fire Does 2 damage per turn doesnt care about defense
Ice player must roll if above 60 the player the ice is used on

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loeses a turn.
poison Deals 1 Damage X turn (turn 3 deals 3 damage) doesnt care about defense. Cured with Potion.
Earth player rolls if above 80 team is protected for 1 turn but cant deal damage.
Lightning player hit with this must roll a 30 or above to

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hit for 2 turns.

Your health is your level + Magic defense + Defense +Dextiry x 2= Total Hp