"Dear, Zerexe" by DaddyTessah

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dear Zerexe,

You told me. you will never back. I didnt realise, how hard t was for yuo to leave. to be honest, you are never gonna read this book. i just wanted to feel not alone. Ever since you left, everything just seemed so over welming. im in denail.

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I hope you have fun. Being in that city. I could tell you loved it there. I know you are just a character in the game. but you are also a real person playing the character. I cryed for hours when you left. Nobody seemed to care as much as i did. You were

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always there for me when i needed you the most. Everything now is just dark. I hope you come back i really do.

please zere i just need to see you one more time..everyone is leaving me and i feel more alone as i ever did.