"The Basic Laws" by langtung123

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The Laws of
Vindex Nation.


1.) Do not kill domestic animals in the city.
Currently, the only animals considered domestic are: Tamed wolf (dog), tamed cat (ocelot).

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2.) Do not murder
Murder is the unlawful murder of another in the city. It is void if the murder is found to be in self-defense.

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3.) Only drive on the right side of the road
Driving on the left side of the road will be considered reckless and will result in a ticket of up to $200 or an arrest.

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4.) Evading police is unlawful
The avoidance of law enforcement. Examples of evasion include but are not limited to: Leaving a crime scene you are part of, hiding in a property, driving away from an officer arresting.

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5.) Do not drink and drive
Do not drive under the influence/Do not drive while intoxicated.

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6.) Slander of Vindex Gov. is Illegal in court
Slander is defined as the oral defamation of another. The oral defamation for the purpose of harming the government in a court of law overseen by a judge is unlawful.

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7.) Trespassing is Illegal in fenced off areas
Any property contained within fences is considered "fenced off". Examples of barriers are but are not limited to: iron bars, gates, wooden fences, leave blocks, etc.

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8.) Inciting violent protest is illegal.
The commencing of a protest that turns violent whether intended or not is unlawful and will result in those participating in it to be arrested.

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9.) Attempting Forgery of a book is Illegal
Attempting to falsify a signed document is unlawful if proven to be the case.

10.) Bribery of a Gov. official is Illegal
The offering or giving of anything to a government worker in exchange for a favor.

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11.) Misconduct is Illegal in Vindex court. and Gov. offices
Any abrupt or disruptive behavior in a court of law overseen by a judge is unlawful.

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12.) All drugs are highly Illegal!
Possession, distribution, and manufacture of illicit substances is unlawful.

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13.) It is Illegal to threaten someone's life.
A verbal or physical threat with the purpose of intimidation or personal satisfaction.

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14.) Theft is Illegal
The act of taking from another without their consent.

15.) Disturbing the peace is Illegal
Any disruptive behavior is seen as an annoyance to the public present.

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16.) Taking someone hostage is Illegal
The act of taking someone against their will. Typically for ransom or entertainment.

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17.) Human Trafficking is Illegal
The act of taking someone against their will and exchanging them to others.

18.) It is Illegal to protest at any vinish bank.
Any form of outburst or public rebellion, violent or not, is unlawful.

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19.) Critically injured criminals, must be taken to the hospital for treatment before being arrested.
Police are required to take recently revived criminals to a surgeon be operated on and nursed back to health. (Unless no surgeons are online.)

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20.) When the bank alarm goes off, all citizens must exit the building as soon as possible. Law enforcement must allow time for them to leave, and they may arrest those who do not exit.
The robbery ends when the robber is taken out of the bank.

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21.) Battery and Assault are illegal. Battery is the physical assault on someone and Assault is the Threat of Bodily Harm on someone.
Battery is the physical harm of another without their consent, consent extends to 2 hits, past that it is unlawful.

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22.) Using blackmail, bribery or threat to gain votes in an election, is unlawful.
Using external and untraditional ways to gain an unfair advantage to acquire votes in an election is unlawful.

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23.) No Government job (Surgeon, EMT, Police, Fire Fighters) May operate outside Vindex territory. (wild)
Any job considered a government worker is not allowed to use their practice outside of the Vindex.

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24.) Criminal gang members may not run for office. The Attorney General will decide what organizations are classified as criminal gangs.
If affiliated with a criminal organization, you may not run for any sort of elected position.

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25.) Obstruction of justice is unlawful
The stopping, aiding, or delaying the arrest of a wanted criminal. Some examples include but are not limited to liberation, vigilantism, etc.

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26.) Reckless driving and Blocking the road with a parked car will result in a ticket
The blocking of a road with an unmanned vehicle will result in the owner paying a fine of up to $200.

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27.) Open carry is unlawful unless it is in self-defense. Guns must be concealed at all times for private citizens. Open carry is allowed for law enforcement and military.
A weapon includes guns, machetes, and axes.

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28.) It is unlawful to drive a wheelchair on the road. Wheelchairs must remain on either a sidewalk or a shoulder.
Any vehicle used for transportation that is not meant for road use is illegal to use on the road.

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29.) Alcohol is not allowed on bank property. You may not visit the bank while intoxicated.
Do not step on bank property while under the influence/Do not step on bank property while intoxicated.

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30.) Prank calling 911 is unlawful
Calling the emergency phone line for "pranks" or jokes that would not be otherwise considered emergencies is unlawful.

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31.) Excessively honking your horn without reason can result in a ticket
"Spamming" of a vehicle's horn is considered disturbing the peace and is unlawful.

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32.) All aircraft must follow aviation laws

See book on aviation laws.

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33.) Police may not use personal vehicles while on duty, they must use official PD vehicles such as the police car.
Police may only respond to crime scenes on police issued cars or helicopters if needed.

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34.) You may not follow on duty emergency vehicles, such as a police car taking a criminal to prison.
Following on duty emergency vehicles is against the law as it may put an officer's safety at risk.

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35.) You may not idle or loiter at or near the prison.
Standing around the prison without apparent reason is unlawful.

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36.) Acting as an accessory to a crime is illegal.
Assisting a criminal, failure to report a crime, covering up a crime, etc.

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Signed by langtung123.