"A Dog's life" by MapleMabari

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The life of AidanGamzer

Based on a true story, imagined after an interview with the crimelord Aidangamzer

-By MapleMabari

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It was a dark cold night when it had all started for poor Aidangamzer. His life had been pretty ordinary so far; His strong sense of justice had led him toward a righteous life as a member of the peacekeepers. Not an ugly lad, yet not a model,

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Aidan's features simply hadn't attracted the right lady yet as he shared his long lonely nights with his faithful dog, Pupster. Aidangamzer had worked hard to get to where he was now in life. Exams after exams, his neverending work and stubborness had

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landed him a spot in the best unit of the police. This had been when he'd gotten Pupster, his faithful dog. Pupster was a real sweetheart; knowing a few tricks and full of undying love for his master, Pupster was the best Aidan could have asked for.

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On this dark gloomy night, Aidangamzer was at his post like usual; watching over the bank as ruffians tried to break in and rob citizens of their hard-earned money.
This was when his life changed for the worse.

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A criminal appeared; it was a small fry, nothing too scary for AidanGamzer. However the man touched him right in the heart when he cruelly executed Pupster. In a scream of desperation, Aidan launched at the criminal and killed him savagely, before sinking

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to his knees, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as his hands clutched at the familiar fur of his pet. Pupster was no more.
Sobbing for a while, Aidan barely noticed his co-workers taking him away from the scene, his heart forever blackened by grief.

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From then on, Aidan was on a slippery slope; at first it was alcohol, as he tried to drown his sorrows; he couldn't quite forget the happy tail wagging of his canine companion.
On a mission, what was meant to happen happened;

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Aidan had a meltdown, killing three innocent children who were simply passing by. The memories of his dog drew him mad as he slaughtered them.

After such a terrible mistake, it was obvious Aidan had to be fired from his job. His purpose in life was gone.

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Him, who'd always served for the best of the country faithfully, was now unfairly thrown out of the police. He couldn't take it anymore, if he was the bad guy after all this, then he would give them the attitude they wanted.

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A new life started for the man, a life of crimes and drugs. First he started by recruiting in his gang. His right-hand was a tough man named progamer4000, a stocky man made of muscles who specialised in petty crimes way before meeting Aidan.

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Progamer had started with small scams and had evolved toward robbery and murder when he was bored. Joining the gang had been a delight for him as he got paid more for his past misbehaving.

Of course a life of crime never pays, and soon

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enough both men were made infamous in a newspaper, and could often be seen in jail, threatening those who previously were Aidan's friends.
As they believed they were tough, a simple young lady managed to make their empire shake by overhearing their plan.

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Quickly accused of slander and stalking, said lady had to hide as hitmen were sent after her, evading them to write this book shortly after an interview with the crimelord.

To this day Aidangamzer and Progamer4000 still haunt the nation,

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hunting the writer who uncovered them in hope to murder her, and commit even more heinous crimes.

This was the story of a man who, while he was happy and well adjusted, lost it all on his way to hell, where he now rules.

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-Book based on a true story, may it forever exist to remind us not to kill dogs.

-MapleMabari, in hommage to AidanGamzer and Progamer4000