"Sad hobo" by Ice_blade_iV

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This story begins on a cool night, with the wind blowing lightly. Me and 2 of my pals were gunna rob adders, but no one knew yet. One of my pals didnt have a home set at adders just yet so we all got in the car, and started driving to adders.

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About half way there we drove past a strange man on a motorcycle holding a bow on the side of the road. We did pay any attention to him and kept driving. But after turning a couple corners, we saw that he was following us.

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I said, "he might just be going the same direction," but just to be sure I turned a few corners in a circle until we lost him. But it didn't take long for him to find us. When he appered again he pulled out a machete, and tryed to get close to us.

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When he would get close, he'd swing his machete at us. We were very close to adders, so I tryed to just pull away from him as he got close. When we got to adders, we got out of the car and attacked him cause one man couldn't beat 3, right?

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I was the only one who pulled out a gun and fired. At first i riddled him with bullets. But he just hid and ate a golden apple, which i definetly did not see coming. I had gotten a little to close when he attacked me with his machete.

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He hit me hard and fast as he swong his machete. He finally downed me and finished me before my friends could do anything. He ended up killing another one of us before the police showed up. He denied everything and had gotten away.

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Ever sence that day I have been wanting revenge for me and my comrades. Months went by. I lost my house. I lost my weed, all 4k worth. I lost my bible and most of my ammo was also stolen. I needed something to fix this rage inside of me.

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I had become delusional to the point where I started to see thing that didn't really happen. I saw That trange man steel everything from me. I felt so hopless. Even if that man did the right thing, I needed my revenge more than anything.

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My friend called me in to town so he could return a barrowed sniper rifle. We wanted to see if we could rob and gastations but they couldn't be robbed. So I suggested that we try to get revenge to night. We had nothing better to do.

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He was bored so he excepted. He was also one of my friends that was with me that night of the attack. The trange man wasn't online so we thought we would just kill some one he knew. So my friend phoned some one random that we had a hunch he knew.

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I didn't like the idea of just call to meet up with him randomly so I backed out and said, "I give will give you $500 if you succeed,". We were at adders gas station when he called him. I just hid behind the hill that was behind the gas station.

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At first as i watched, I thought no one was going to show up. So I was about to leave when a dark figure apeared from the sky and landed 4 blocks away from my friend. I was teriffied. I knew at that point, he had no chance. So i ran.

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I could hear their battle as I ran away. But I heard my friend say one thing before he died... "take the shot....." I ran back as quick as i could pulled out my sniper rifle. I aimed my sights at the black figure, and fired. I don't know if I hit him.

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I ran. Again. But this time with a horrible feeling as fear and dread griped my heart, like the claws of a vicious beast. I ran into a random office building and ran through sevral different doors until I stopped and crouched. He was near.

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I didn't see him. But, I knew he was coming. I had sinned. He would clear me of my sins I thought. A second later, there was a flash then black. I woke up in a parking lot with the black figure standing over me. He said, "Who payed you?".

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I coughed to clear my throut and said, "no one," he didn't like that. I got punched as if a semi had hit me. He then said, "don't mess with me and tell me who payed you,". I then said, "no one, I just wanted revenge,". I continued, "Green arow killed m

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I was cut off by having another punch to the face "I'm not green arrow, I'm BATMAN!". He then left me there..... to rot.