"3rd term!!!!!" by OwenGrylls__

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Hello, I am writing this because I am now running for re-election for congress! This isn't my first time running, instead my third time running. In my past two terms in congress, I have just been doing action, I do NOT just make plans and never do them!

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Things I have done: Voted on over 50 laws on this term alone, and I have proposed the law 27 edit law (Law information is on the next page)

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Name: Open-Carry Adddition - Accidental Switch

If a player accidentally scrolls past a gun in their hotbar they will not be arrested for it. If a player does it on purpose to annoy a cop, and/or does it to much, (s)he can be arrested.

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This law is currently getting voted on.

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Views, Economy: I am a strong believer in the smallest tax percent we can get! I wan't to 100% keep the 0% tax rate right now. I also believe in the free market! Imagine vindex with a real estate cap, we would go in a litteral economy crash!

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Also the Real Esate job would crash! A lot of people in vindex sell houses for a living, and they make a lot of money. If there's a real estate cap, that will limit Real Estate Agents and can cause an economy crash!

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Here's why: A lot of people buy and resell houses for a living, and if the cap for a westhedge is, let's say 100k, most houses will go for 100k, and that would limit the Real Estate Agents, they wouldn't be able to buy/resell it,

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causing him/her to loose his/her job.

More views on next page:

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GUNS: I am a strong believer in having access to gun, some congressman think they should ban guns or have a gun license. I believe in law 27 though, it has helped the crime rate go down,

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The only flaw to Law 27 is a bunch of people are getting arrested for just scrolling through their inventory and passing a gun, I have proposed a law in order to stop people from getting arrested for scrolling through their inventory.

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Please Re-Elect OwenGrylls__ (me) For my third term!

Voting: 17th to 18th of june! (About a week from now)