"VIA Stay 5/11/21" by Toonnyy

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The time is 1:16 PM, and the date is May 11, 2021. Minutes ago VIA Agent Celerry has taken me, Toonnyy to their headquarters. I am currently being held in a black 1x2 box and I hear water streams above my head. They haven't asked me anything yet but I

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am expecting them to ask me some questions soon. If they don't end up asking me any questions I will most likely be held here for a week. This is the second time I've been held in this box. Yesterday, May 10th, 2021 I started my term as Warlord and I

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was taken to this same black box. Instead, they questioned me for over an hour and I was then sentenced to prison time in the state prison. I'm not sure how this is going to go, but hey I take it as an achievement. I have something they want obviously.

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Update: It's now 2:30 PM and the VIA have held me for over an hour, there are no agents, no questions have been asked, I am just sitting here in this hole without food or water unable to die.

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Update: It's now 2:43 PM and I have been told to go to questioning by Jr. Detective Mask3D_WOLF. I have used /global to tell him that I cannot go to his questioning because I'm in this box. I don't know what will happen next but I have dmed an agent on

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discord to come online and at least feed me. I was told that the max to hold someone in this box is an hour, but if the director approves it they may hold someone for up to six hours. No questions have been asked yet and I am awaiting release.

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Update: It's 2:50 AM and a moderator has forcefully removed me from my cell because of an incident. The agent, celerry left without releasing me on time and I wasted 30 minutes in a cell without the ability to use global chat or a phone. I was never fed

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but I am happy to be released. Thank you for reading about my stay at the VIA HQ and I do have pictures of the box if you would like to see it.