"My way" by Magnpro

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So I Read Hargles book of how he got his money, and i thought i wanted to show Vindex that it is also possible to earn money in a fast and Legal way. This is a book about my time on vindex and mostly my career and moneyearning.

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When i first started on vindex, i only knew it was a city rp, for a long time i was looking for a server just like this, and it was my really good friend Boms10 also called Frank that got me on the server. He told me that i shouldnt try to be a cop when

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first starting of, cause that would mentally break me. But i really wanted to be a cop and help the police, so i started on the exams. I read all the books and used logic and exclusion to the exams, and i became a cop at the very first day on vindex.

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i am the first and only one to do that, what i know of. i wasnt a police officer for a long time, cause i wanted to be a detective, and in the same weekend i finished the exam in detective, and i have been a detective ever since. back to my first day...

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because of the fast way of becoming cop, i was very suspecious, and the PoliceChief(MrDotcom_) asked me who told me the answers, i convinced him that i did all the exams myself, and while i was very nervous i accedently messaged a girl named Myrthe

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that turned out to be my luck cause we started talking, and we are still talking sometimes, well the lead to us buying a house together with some of our friends, wich was really lucky for me cause i used all of my money on a gun. I needed to spend 2k

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in the house wich was great, cause it was a nice westhedge, when we bought it i got my first jail because the PoliceChief(Still MrDotcom_) thought i tresspassed. I had no way to earn money other than my paycheck, so i was really poor for a long time.

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I started buying some alcohol at the brewery from a guy called JohnyMackD, and in the end i learned how to brew of him, and its one of the big reasons that i have my money today. Cause later i started selling a little bit of alcohol

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As a detective i was very confused in the start, but i was really lucky that i met the todays best detective in vindex _Ameed_ who helped me get started, he told me that i had great potetial to become a good detective, together we worked on a gangcase.

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It was the gan Vendetta, working with ameed was like working with a real life Detective and it still is, he knew just what to do, and what to do to gather the information he wanted, he learned me all what i know about being a detective today.

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Ever since me and _ameed_ have worked on many cases together. _Ameed_ and i talked about opening an alcohol business together but we never started it, but i started selling alcohol and i was selling a full inventory of mixed alcohol for 2.5k.

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i did this for a long time i think a month this was my way of getting money, and at this day while im writing this it is exactly 5 month since i joined. in the end i gathered $60k, and i bought a house for $70k with Myrthe and Frank(Boms10) paying $25k

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of the money, i had $15k left, so i decided starting to buy a wyndham and make some money on it, i got it for $15k and ended up selling it for $50k just half an hour later, i did not know the prices of properties back then, but now i know i was so lucky!

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I realised i could make a lot of money on this, so i kind of stopped brewing and selling alcohol, the same day i sold the wyndham i bought 2 new townhouses for $20k and $23k i sold them for $40k and $65k and me and 2 of my friend Frank and Kristof13579

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started a business where we bought houses and designed them and furnished them so we could make good profit, with me getting 50% of the profit, since it was my money we used. i started on this less than 3 month ago and i have made a lot of money on it.

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At the same time that i started on this business, also ran for HeadDetective for the first time, later it turned out to be really stupid since i lost and took some votes from _ameed_ so he lost To an all new Detective called Logos.. idk the full ign.

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I started getting a lot of money, and when i just started gaining money i did not know how much money actually was worth so i threw a lot away giving strangers a lot of money and i think in total i have given my friend Frank $10k+, i do not regret that

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tho. The funny thing is, i wasnt suprised how much money this gave me, i didnt think it was a lot, cause i didnt know a lot about the server back then. So i was talking about wasting money on weird stuff, and here is a story about how i lost $30k for a

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business with only 8 members, it was the detectivesquad AAI _Ameed_ Frank and i thought it would be a good idea to start a detective squad, cause Ameed just won the Election for HeadDetective, so would get the best detectives to solve the hardest cases

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sadly People dont report a lot of real cases that us detectives can really work on, and they didnt do it back then either, so the AAI didnt get a lot of cases, and we decided to close the Squad again. Ameed continued as DetectiveLeader

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And i was happy that he did, cause to be honest he is good at leading us, a lot better than i am, and im running against him next time, that will be weird, i just dont hope that someone who just got detective will be HeadDetective next time.

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A short time after we closed the AAI Frank and I bought a penthouse at lss for a good price of 60k for its nice look, we started a Nighblub called Club Penthouse and made a 175$ entry, this was really cheap cause you could get unlimited drinks when inside

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i earned 10k on the club, and i also had a casino that i eaned 5k on, and i also made a 11k profit on the casino, but it was still a good price for that casino, cause i got it for cheap. I took a short break for a few days, but i got back even strongerand

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i began doing some great deals, i started earning major money, well i lost 20k on stocks And i got scammed 60k but it was nothing compared to what i earned, i got my college house for a low price of a wtc and 145k, and only a few days later i got a double

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collincenter floor for only 80k, that i a few days later used to trade those and 120k for a tower. I used the tower for a Supermarket, hotel and restaurent, but then the leader of redwood wanted it so bad that i needed to sell it. i got Collincoj a big

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house, a hangar and a lot of money for it, i now use collincoj for my supermarket wich you should check out if you are reading this, its really cheap, but hard to restock. cause people are buying so fast, so dont yell at me to restock the shops, i really

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do my best to keep them stocked. The supermarket isnt giving me a lot of money, cause im selling the stuff with only small profit, but its just a way for me to not lose money when buy stuff from other shops, so i have a little extra for stuff like

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xpbottle, food and other stuff.
The big money i earn is on properties, and the big house i got from the trade i sold for a price on 229k, now i had enough money to buy my mansion at the redhouses wich i live in today, that does that i am open to sell my

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college house if i get a really good offer on it. i also had some extra money after this so i decided finaly to start a business, a corporation that i call MagnproInc, that i hope will get on /business top soon. i started hirering my good friends, most of

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the people i hired for the big positions is bluetags, mostly because they are the people i talk most with, The top positions includes for example my good friend Mrblocks2001 as my CFO and LeahDiane as my ControlManager, these people will help me organize

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the business where i have other high position to do other work.
With doing this kind of legal business i ended op with a networth on over a million dollars, where i earned 1million dollars in just december month, so it is very possible to become rich

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without doing crime and joining gangs, and it is possible to do it even faster in a much better way.