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"Training Program" by Mr_Canes
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Training Program
The purpose of the training program is to have well educated VFD personnel so they are both comptent and prepared for their tasks at hand.
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Ideas for the program
-Giving trainers books they may carry for each type of training such as 911b and coordinates.
-Have a training for trainers.
-Also have a google docs open for them.
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-Create some sort of quiz for each training and they must pass with a 75% or higher.
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Fire Fighters Trainings
-911b (M)
-Coordinates (M)
-Driving (M)
-Responding (M)
-Animal rescue (M)
-Animal adoption (NM)
-Self Defense (NM)
-Respect (Only M if punished)
-Welcome info training (M)
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EMS trainings
-911b (M)
-Coordinates (M)
-Driving (M)
-Responsing (M)
-Animal rescue (M)
-Self Defense (NM)
-Respect (Only M if punished)
-Welcome/Info training (M)