"OP GC Final RPRT" by Jack_Specter

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IntelOp Operation
Good Citizen Final Report: March 26th 5:24PM EST

Pj Started his own business-Fight Club/Bar

Investors:Lemon Twiist,Blooby

Claims to be Joining the Rebels and

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leaking information to the rebels about paratroopers and Seccom.

Raj and SubDawson are possible friends with Pj

Raj and Sub_Dawson Met with 2 mobsters Dino and DanMcRossi

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about possibly an alliance between the Mobsters and Rebels.
(Mobster HQ-DownTown Viridis)

BackGround Info On Rajivari:
Raj is formally knwon as Krackle_PVP. Raj was a mobster

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and was known as the GodFather. He ordered all Mobsters if they disobeyed they would be turned on. Raj left the mob for the Rebels bringing all the mob into the rebels growing the rebellion.

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Raj is unofficial the leader of the rebels but a majority of the rebels follow him RDMing and spying on their enemies.
Raj's Second in command is Sub_Dawson who owns House4 and has a fight club under it and multiple drugs

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Both are formed Duck Gang Officials and are armed and dangerous and possible people linked with PJ_Cookie. The rebels are also very prepared for warafre and Raj is running for warfare with about 75% of the rebels backing him also

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possibly Pj backing him as well.

Aviation Met with Pj and asked why he left the army. Pj said he paid 200K to be demoted then was fired and refused to answer anymore questions. Pj claimed to leak highly secret info

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about the army but Elan claims he knows nothing.

Info on DxnxMemes was gathered since he is a rebel and Joined the Army for a short period of time. He robs a lot and is rarely jailed. He is very secretive and

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very good at lying and very skilled with a sniper and many other weapons. He claims to not to know why he joined the army but left immediatly after joining.

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Date Issued: March 26th 2018

Signed: Major Jack Mitchells

IntelOp Commander:
Jack Mitchells