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"Household Owners" by Horys_Deviness
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Finding a home is like finding a new shoe. Find which one fits just right.
Of course they are basically the same, except one is bigger and needs more caring for. Caring for you're house is incredulously important. You care for it, and it will
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care for you. Again, just like a shoe.
Houses are in need of constant caring, cleaning, repairing, and refurbishing. This is all a part of the household care process. Some people don't accept that, and just leave their house a mess like imbeciles.
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Some people don't respect their house because they don't want it, they refuse to learn to not complain and that irks a lot of people.
Point is, respect what you have, and don't let it go to shit. It's imperative to not let anything go to waste
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in the house either. Anything can save you're life in several situations. This was Household Owner Enlightenment, have a nice day.