"OwenGrylls4Gov" by OwenGrylls

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Hello! My name is OwenGrylls, and I am running for Governor of Viridis. I have served in a multitude of Government Positions, including Warden, Guard Captain, District Judge, District Attorney, aswell as a long time Representative in the

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House of Representatives! Throughout my time in Government Jobs, I have always completed what was in my agenda, and I plan to do the same thing if elected to serve as your Governor. Please see the next page for my plans

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- I plan on continuing the VET CARD PROGRAM in order to continue to support our veterans within the State of Viridis
- I plan on focusing more on small businesses within Viridis in order to boost the economy. I plan on doing this by introducing a

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Secretary of Commerce position, aswell as providing business grants to smaller businesses in order to help them. Business grants will only be given to businesses that can use them
- I want to work with my cabinet and advisory in order to host more state

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hosted events. I will also be releasing polls, so the public can give us feedback on whether or not they like the idea of a specific event.
- I will be providing Citizens with more transparancey. Public transparancey is important for any position.

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As Governor, I would be hosting weekly briefings (posted on the State of Virdis discord and forums) in order to ensure that the public is up to date on the progress of the state of Viridis.
- I want to remove the position of Chief Advisor, and have

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have all of their tasks obsorbed by the Governor. Advisors should be directly working for the Governor.
- I plan on hiring Advisors of which could act as Liasions to other Departments. Maintaining good relationships with other departments is

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very important!

Please see the next page to view my shadow cabinet

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Shadow Cabinet:

Governor; OwenGrylls
Lieutenant Governor: Dweebsie
State Attorney General: N/A (Will open up applications if I'm elected)
Secretary of Veteran Affairs: Jack_Specter
Press Secretary: ryaniscoolx

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Secretary of Commerce: rattlesnakee

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I hope that I have your support for this election. If you have any questions/comments or concerns please contact me on discord: OwenGrylls#3587, or just call me in game!