"JobIdea" by Memacora

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Hey don, since you aren't on rn i decided just to write in a book lmao. Anyway, forgot to tell you the idea about my postition, stubborn like that. Btw, i did ask on discord but apparently you dont read that shiz. Soooooooooooooooooo.

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I like field work that involve doing something that others wont normally do, i hate sitting around in meetings that dont involving something that im generally involved in. Dont like having an office, dont like talking to people that piss me off, aka 1/3

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of the mob. So i was thinking about what the perfect role for me would be... I legit googled if there was a word that defined what i'de do, but me and google searches have beef. I love keeping track of things, monitoring activities within groups, seeing

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where the majority of a group goes etc. Aka: I like keeping tabs on everyone without them knowing. Since ya know we have the Via, vigs, cops, people who annoy the fuck outa me in general, i thought a role where iim more out there

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and keeping notes on everyone who could pose a threat to bratva as an organizaton and family. I'de tell you wether their activity has risen over the days, wether they've recruited more members, etc. This doesn't just go for the via,vigs,cops, but possibly

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for other families or members of the mob etc. Track their movements, if they're generally traveling together or jut doin normal things on minecraft etc. You could call it spy work? COuld not care less honestly. If ya dont like the idea then i ask for som

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ething similar por favor. If not thats k too, wont leave or anything, but ill proabbly be pissy for a few hours :P. Anyway adios