"Spidey Comic #1" by NeedToSpeak_

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Issue #1: Radioactive!
Approved I
by the I
comics I
code I
authority! I

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Our story begins with a young Peter Parker...
-------------------Peter Parker was an extraordinary boy.
Not because of his physical fitness, in which he was lacking.
It was his incredible amount of intelligence! -----------------P1

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So, Flash Thompson, Peter's number one bully, is talking to his friends, Peter stands back, listening to the talk.
-------------------;``Hey, Flash," One of his buddies calls. ``Let's bring Peter with us, how 'bout it?" -----------------P2

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Flash replies, ``That geek? Fat chance!"
-------------------Peter then picks his courage, and asks out his crush, Sally. ``For the umpteenth time Peter, you're just not my type. Especially when someone like Flash is around!"

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Peter is saddened and arrives at the scientific convention.
They are showing controlled radiation!
-------------------Unknown to them at the time, a spider had lowered into the radiation. In a dying effort, it bites Peter.

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Peter runs out of the building, feeling horrible. Then he realizes he has the proportionate speed and strength of a spider!
-------------------He also gains a sixth sense, able to see everything around him! The Spider-Sense!

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After deciding not to stop a robber, the same robber kills one of the only people he cares about, his Uncle Ben! It was his fault, and if he stopped the burglar, nothing would've happened!

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After deciding to follow this golden rule: `With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.' He then decides to become a force for good, the Amazing Spider-Man!