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"Triple G Bar App" by Enderhorse1
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Name: Enderhorse1
Why you are better than the rest: I already own a successful brewery in CollinCenter, which brings in more than $1000 each "real life" day. I know how to craft all the craftable alcoholic beverages,
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which are Beer, Champagne, and Whisky. I also know how to brew many drinks, which I will write here: Fine WheatBeer, Absinthe, Vodka, Potatosoup, Mead, Golden Mead, Sweet Golden Apple Mead, Fine Beer, Russian Vodka, and Spicy Rum.
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I also have experience in persuading other people to purchase drinks. If people think the price is too high, I can get them to buy it.
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What Am I Good At:
As I mentioned earlier, I can craft all alcohols, and brew many drinks. If there's a drink on your menu I do not know how to brew, I will be willing to learn it. Also, Potato Soup sells very well :^).
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In conclusion, I would be very happy if I could get a job at Triple G Bar. Hopefully, it doesn't matter I'm a soldier ;-;