"Testimony" by Ryanbrock

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On penalty of perjury and Obstruction of Justice, I, Ryanbrock, affirm that all enclosed information is true to the best of my knowledge and that all events and facts within are true. I understand this may be used in the court of law.

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After hearing talk of the president forcing fair_sirs to prison against his will in global, I went to prison to look for myself. When I got there I was invited into the public area along with the Attorney General and Police chief since I was a former judg

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and know the law very well to see what was going on. When we arrived we learned that fair_sirs was at the hospital being treated for arrow wound when Livan was ordered by akain to /rp tie fair_sirs and dragged him to prison to be arrested.

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According to the police chief, to their knowledge he was not wanted and there was no proof of any crime. As a legal expert this was very alarming as citizens arrest is not a thing and no low permits an army officer to force a citizen into a heli or zip

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ties. Due to no evidence showing that fair_Sirs broke any law, he was let go. I also found it odd that akain and livan claimed he was shooting because fair_sirs has arrow wound and I know from being a former doctor and surgeon that arrow wound gives

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weakness which prevents you from shooting a gun. Legally the president and Livan had no right to force fair into a heli against his will and drag him to prison. I also noticed in tab there were a lot of cops and even ss on...and none of them were called

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to the hospital during the event. In my legal opinion I adviced the police that livan could be arrested for kidnapping and akain could be legally held accountable as well, but no police action was taken, and I left.