"The Post 11/6/18" by Gabut

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The Post
November 6th
---------------- Welcome to The Post News! Today, November 6th, we have some very juicy news! First up, we have a very sad story. Gooeypenguin will be resigning on the 25th of

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November. I am very heartbroken to see him leave office and I hope some of you guys feel the same way. The State of the Union will take place on November 23rd. Alright, let's jump into a more cheerful story! JDillinger has opened up an Amazon Store for

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Vindex! Yes, you heard me right, an Amazon store designed especially for Vindex. Now, some bad news is that the link that JDillinger (the owner of the store) provided, does not work currently. However, I have high hope that in the near future, this

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dilemma will be resolved. Next up in the news, Secret Service have a new leader, named DominicYoung. Also, since we're on the topic of appointments and new jobs, Positivity__, MikeyPotato, and CristalOtto have all been appointed to Police Trainer! Wow,

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so many new appointments and new jobs and so many people that can really make some applicable changes to Vindex. Please congratulate all of them if you see them around (if you have not already). In the last and final story, a new law has been passed! The

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law is as follows, "Citizens have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by vaild evidence,

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and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be siezed.". Alrighty guys, I think you know what time it is. It is time, for the Joke Of The Day!!!

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------------------- Joke Of The

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
------------------- Have a wonderful day, and this has been...The Post!