"Robbing Guide:" by Fidel_Castro_Fan

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A guide for Robbing the Vindex Bank (Simple and Easy way):

Written By: Fidel_Castro_Fan

-------------------Author's Note: While This is a much and more simple way of robbing the bank it won't prove as effectively as the oth

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-er guides but it is much quicker and you will need less resources.
------------------- -=Chapter 1=-
Vindex is a hard and tough place many people don't have homes and the few that are rich much rather spend their money on houses...this leads some o

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-f the citizen's of Vindex to wander and think some of them have the idea to steal from the Vindex Vault. But this is a challenge as Vindex's officer are always surrounding it...well this guide will help you with that....
-------------------Timing: No

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-w timing is a very important role here many of Vindex's criminal fail this most of the time because they don't know this simple command /br rob this will help you because if it says 0.6 the bank will be being restoked at 1.0 or higher the Vault has been

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filled and you won't look like an idiot in the vault going like "damnit it's being restocked!" then the cops will come in and you will be arrested so i hope you always check the time and always do /br rob.
-------------------Partners in Crime: You know th

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-at guy who is always with you always sticking by your side your. Well he could possibly be your Partner in Crime this guy is important he will probably go with you promise him half of the money and he will be happy to go with you just remember be sure he

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-'s a good shot. But you might be asking "what if i don't have a partner in crime?" well you can always hire someone. Maybe the local Drug-dealer would be happy to come along and there are tons of people in VIndex that will help you out.Just Remember tell

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them that they will have a part of the money.
-------------------Hideouts: If you succeed and wait the 20 seconds in the Vault you will have a cooldown time of about 200 seconds you won't be able to /warp /msg or other commands probably the only command

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you would be able to use it /g. So you're out of luck and will probably be killed or jailed this is why you need a hideout. Maybe you shuld rent an apartment near the Bank or if you're lucky enough you have College house but that very unlikely so i sugges

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-t renting out and apartment nearby that you can run to very quick.
-------------------Potions to use:
A lot of you guys might know about this part of the guide because you might have expirience with it so if you do know just skip it if you'd like to. So

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maybe weapons aren't enough for the cops maybe you need a little upgrade for yourself. I suggest using Invisibility potions the crafting recipe is Fermented eye, Netherwart, and Golden Carrots. You may also want Coffee for a boost on speed.

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Positioning is very important and this will probably the last step for this book. It is always good to look at the bank from all around it may change a lot because cops will leave and cops will come it is best you set up yo

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-ur plans when there are little cops. The number of your crew is also very important for positioning so make sure to always talk with your crew.

Here is a positioning idea for a loud entry it has worked for me before. YOu can always echange yourself with

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different positions:

Guy #1: He will be the guy that is opening the doors ONLY the doors only if someone is shooting at him will he use his gun but he should instead stick to the doors.

Guy #2: He will be Guy #1's guardian angel he will be gurading him

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the whole time and will shoot anyone that is getting close to Guy #1 except for his teamates.

Guy #3: He and Guy #4 will be guarding the entrance if Guy #1 and #2 fail #3 and #4 will take their places.

Guy #4: He will be Guarding entrance wit

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-h Guy #3:

Guy #5: This one is optional just like #3 and #4 He will be guarding the back door where some cops might be coming from.
-------------------Ending: So if you follow all of these steps Success of a bank robbing might be possible but it's not g

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-------------------This Book should not be copied and sold if not Approved by Fidel_Castro_Fan if i find anyone doing this i will sue you....