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"Contract" by SantaClawz69
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This is a legally binding contract that is admissable into the Vindex Nation's court of law and is indisputed by the signer or the beneficiary of this contract. The terms of the agreement between Turtlc and SantaClaws69 are as follows. SantaClaws69
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approached Turtlc requesting rent. The terms that both parties agree to are laid below.
1) SantaClaws69 will be given a room large enough for him to be in in Turtlc's beach mansion that was purchased by HookemReese.
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2) In exchange SantaClaws69 will give Turtlc $7,500 Vindexian Dollars every week.
3) Santa's minimum amount of weeks for rental are 4 weeks starting on 7/27/2015 unless rent is terminated by home owner (Turtlc)
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4) The home owner (Turtlc) reserves the right to dismiss SantaClaws69 from the grounds without reimbursement.
5) The first week's rent will be $10,000 vindexian dollars paid to Turtlc.
6) Turtlc will choose the room that will be rented to SantaClaws69.
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7) Turtlc may create areas that Santa is not allowed to be in during his stay.
Both parties agree to the above terms. This legal document was written by Turtlc. By signing this document SantaClaws69 agrees to all the terms above.
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Amendment 1: SantaClaws69 can only be evicted with probable cause.