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"Vanja Campaign" by ChikeluVanja
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"Vote ChikeluVanja, the change we need"
The Vanja Campaign Pamphlet:
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The Problem with Class2 firearms-----
I get that the class2 weapons are significantly stronger than class1 firearms,
but guns are guns and they both kill people and are dangerous, there shouldn't be
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any class2 and class1, it should just be guns are guns and they cause harm. Simple right? Wrong, if you are seen with a class2 then you will be taken into custody for 30 minutes and if you don't give your gun up then you will be taken to jail.
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If someone is defending themselves with a class2 then they will be taken into custody. I just dont see very much of a difference between class2 and class1 except class2 weapons are more irritating. In conclusion to this segment, my thoughts on class2 and
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class1 firearms are that there isn't much of a difference because both of them can harm people so there is no reason for them to be illegal when it's just the same thing, and you usually cannot defend yourself from someone with a class 2 if you don't have
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one yourself.
End of "The problem with class 2 firearms"
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Traffic and T.S.O.
I believe that the traffic system is very flawed. The stop signs are useless, as far as I've seen, people don't get tickets too often, and the T.S.O. doesn't have that much of a purpose with stopping traffic issues.
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I can see the T.S.O. helping with shooting down flying machines that are too low or dropping things from it, I just don't think they are very helpful with on street traffic.
That shouldn't be aimed towards one job, ticketing people shouldn't just be T.S.O
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I, ChikeluVanja, am running for Representative. My goals as a representative are to help the Viridis laws improve and to make it all fair to everyone.