"Night Fall" by Pink_Ninjas

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A Summer Nights Dream
Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok.
All Carbon could hear.... Was she dreaming? Was she awake? The room surrounding her was simple, 4 iron walls with paintings on them watching her every move. The paintings

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suddenly fell straight to the ground.... ''Shit'' said Carbon. One of her worst fears. The walls were closing in..... She ran to the closest wall and tried to push it back, the little space she had left started to decrease rapidly. She was left with less

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than a square foot of area. Her, hugging her knees preparing for her imenant death let out a gut wrenchning scream... The walls stopped moving and the floor caved in leaving her falling. She could see the floor farther down awaiting her dead company. Then

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she awoke finding herself in a crappy newyork apartment. At this point she was sweating and tears were running down her cheeks. She wiped them away ''It was just a dream'' she told herself over and over. ''Just. A. Dream''

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Stay tuned for part two!