"Contract" by Big_Attack

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I, Big_Attack, agree to not edit any parts of the region complex currently owned by constantinos2 in any way except for the floor which will be given to me to use for the duration of 1 month free of charge. I understand that he has a write to evict me

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with a 24h notice and an additional 24h delay if real life circumstances prevent me from collecting my items. Furthermore, I agree to present an appropriate lobby and refrain from any illegal or otherwise frowned upon activities within this building.

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I also understand that the floor I will be given does not include the stairs outside it that connect floors and I am not allowed to edit anything outside the door to my floor.
I know that editing outside my floor is forbidden not only to blocks but to

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signs aswell, especially chest signs. The floor I will be given is floor number 8.

If I fail to uphold my end of this agreement and damage the property I agree to be sued for the full damages and additional costs for lawyers and repairments.