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"Contract" by William_Barr

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I, William_Barr, agree to all terms written throughout this contract.

I: My currently owned region, collintower1, shall legally be owned by Kideyy, whereby he has 100% ownership of the property.

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II: I, William_Barr, upon signing this contract vow to not sell the region collintower1. Upon the signing of this contract.

III: If an event occurs whereby the region collintower1 is sold, Kideyy shall recieve a flat sum of $5,000,000 as compensation.

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IV: If, at any time, the region collintower1 is to be requested for ownership by Kideyy, the region should be given to him when I, William_Barr, am next available.

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After the full reading, and review of this contract, I, William_Barr, consciously agree to the terms and conditions and identify the legal responsibility I hold to fulfill the contract.

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Signature: William_Barr