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"ItsTonyStark" by ItsTonyStark
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Renting Document
The signer of this document agrees to the following terms.
I will not build/destroy anything out of my rented area. This includes signs, outside details, anything inside and the parking lot.
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I will only build in my designated rented area.
I understand that I only rent apart of the building and am not a joint owner.
I will pay my rent on time. If I do not, I will be brought to court and fined 25,000 dollars.
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I will not make exterior changes to the building of any kind. I will not open the exterior doors for anyone but myself or people added to the region.
I understand that I have rented the space of coj11 inside of CollinCoj.
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I, ItsTonyStark, will abide by these terms for the entire time I do business with CollinCoj. ItsTonyStark
Agnet Stark