"Epidemic: DayZ" by madclonewarrior

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The Beginning

One night, a man named Zack Smith was driving home from work down an unlit country road when a strange figure appeared from the shadows. Zack tried to stop, but was
going too fast...

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He smashed into the person at 43 miles per hour, and swerved off a road and hit a lamp. He was unhurt, but stranded in the middle of nowhere. He walked over the examine the... thing that he hit, only to find a pale, white- eyed creature with torn

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flesh and clothes.
"Augh, is that even human?" He said, jumping back.
Examining it more closely, he could see that there was blood and flesh on its teeth! "Holy crap! This thing's a man-eater!"
"There might be more out here..." he said walking

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to the back of his car. When he got there, he popped the trunk to get his crowbar.
"I should stick to the road and move quickly..."

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Chapter II

I got back to the city, not the nice, well- lit, welcoming one it used to be... It was overrun with the creatures. There were fires, destruction, and I'll never forget... blood and

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bodies everywhere.
I could hear cries for help and screams all around me...
I ran to my house, went downstairs to the basement, and checked my gun case... It had been robbed... I thought that this was it, but remembered, my good friend Mitch's

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gun case, which was solid steel. I ran down the street for about four blocks, smashing the heads of the infected as I went.
When I got there, it was silent. I hoped his gun case would be safe, but when I creaked open the door, BAM! A shotgun round tore

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open the wall next to my head.
"Damnit, Mitch!"
"Its not my fault! If a zombie ripped into you house to kill you, wouldn't you shoot the damn thing?!"
"Calm the fuck down, Zack."
"Do you have any guns

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left?" I said trying to calm down.
"Yeah. You want an Enfield, Winchester, or UZI?"
"Ill take a Winchester These things are rotted. A shotgun as powerful as that would blow them to pieces."
"So, now what do we do?" He says, annoyingly.
"What the

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hell do you think we do?!" "SURVIVE!"

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Chapter III

CRASH! The kitchen window shatters as we turn and open fire on the person. (Yes, it was actually himan this time, but hey, what would you do if a man in a Jason mask tore through your

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window with an M-16 pointed at your face? Das right! You'd shoot the hell outta him!)
"Woah, woah, woah!" yells Mitch. "He was human!"
"Yeah, and trying to kill us!"
"Meh. Good point."
"Theres a gun store a fer blocks away. you wanna go loot it?

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We'll need the ammo to survive." "Its also in a plaza, so theres bound to be some food and med supplies."
"I'll take my dad's army backpack to carry the stuff," he says.
"Alright, lets do this as we head into the zombie-infested streets of NY City...

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As we come upon the gun shop, we see a man inside... and he's human! We walk in the front door, and he greets us.
"Hey, fellas. you seem like you's gots yerselves a fine lookin' group. Mind if I's join it?" He says with a six-toothed smile.

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You seem like a hard fighter."
"A hard fighter? Bitch, you insult me," he says grinning.
"I don't fight hard, I fight to the death, see." "You's gots any food in that there pack, boys?"
"Nah, but we were just headin' over the the grocery store to

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stock up on food."
"You fellers hungry now? you can eat the better stuff now, but take all canned goods. those last way longer. "Wow, you seem to know what your'e doing, sir" I say.
"Welp, now where do we go?" I say, looking

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at our previous city.
"We go out into the woods. Less people means less zombies." Says the old man.
"I have an old farmouse upstate" says new gang member Kaitlyn Flynn.
"Upstate? Sounds good to me" I say.
As we start heading out into

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the wilderness, I hear... my name! Its Jess, my wife! I also hear what I think are Nick and Sam's voices, my kids, calling for me! "Guys, do- do you hear that?!" I say. Its my family! we have to go help them!" I say as I turn around to go help. Suddenly

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the old man grabs my shoulder.
"Kid, your mind must be a piece of shit if you think you can go back in there and come out alive!"
Knowing I can help, I pull out my knife and slice his wrist a little bit so he would let go.
He does, and hollers

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for me to come back.
"I'll meet you ar the farmouse!" I shout without looking back.

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Chapter IV

I follow their screams through the infected city, and later find them on the 17 floor of an office building. the zombies are closing in from all directions, so I do the

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unthinkable... I jump.
I launch over too the next building and grab a windowsill 2 floors away from the top and start climbing.
When I got to the top, I throw a grappling hook to my family, and they use it to get to the next building.

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so did the zombies. The second my family was across, I cut the rope and watched the zombies land with a splat.
My family was finially safe... Or so I thought. The infected suddenly climbed over the ledge and we had to run back inside through the door

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on the roof. We barricaded ourselves in an appartment, and listened fearfully to the sounds of moaning, shuffling, man-eating zombies outside the room.
Suddenly, there was banging on the door, and it burst open. The zombie I saw was horrifying...

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completely white skin, long, mseey black hair, a bloody white dress, and no eyes... just blood-filled eye sockets... most terrifying of all, it was just a little girl. I pull out my Winchester that Mitch gave me, and I blew the zombie's head right off!

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"Die, zom-bitch!" I shout. Then I thought for a second... How could a zombie that is 3 feet tall break down a solid oak door?
All of a sudden, a hoard of them floods the room as I mow them down with my shotgun. When it's over, we can't walk

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through the door because I fear getting zombie blood on my kids, wife, or me, will infect us, so we scale down the building usimg my cut grapling hook rope. we reach the ground and run for the nearest car, zombies on our tails.
We get to the car, and I

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use plyers to vut aund fuse the wires under the dashboard.
Suddenly, the car roars to life as we speed off. I give Jessie a Desert Eagle, Sam a Glock19, and Nick gets the Winchester to shoot zombies outside. We come to a sign reading "CITY LIMITS" as we

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speed off into the woods.

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Chapter V

We pull up to the old farmhouse, which, being abandon, has been barricaded for years.
I walk in carefully considering I almost got my head blown off at Mitch's.

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They welcome me in with canned beans and Vodka (lol).
I had a good, zombie- free night's sleep, but that morning, I heard rustling in the trees about fifteen feet from where I was standing, and out came the hoard. There must have been Sixty- no, sevent

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of them. I ran inside, and boy was I happy that old man owned a gun shop. he pulled out his dad's A12 Browning from WWII, and started mowin' 'em down. When that rad out of 50. cal ammo, we pulled out our guns.
I was shooting zombies through the back

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door, when a zombie came through the window right behind me, and nearly bit my arm clean off. I felt dizzy, my mouth started foaming, everything went blurry, and thats all I remember from the next 2 weeks.

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Chapter VI
He's Alive!

I woke up with a bandage on my arm in a bed surrounded by my gang, and they all had a toast with glasses of water and Vodka to me being alive. The next few days I

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spend sleeping, eating, drinking, playing card games, checkers, and taking awful meds. When I am able to stand and do stuff without too much pain, I call a meeting.
"We have been doing well, but attacks like that will only keep coming. we have to

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leave the continent" I say.
"We can't dew that, boy!" sais the old man.
"Yeah! we're doing just fine, dad!" agrees Nick.
"Guys, listen, I almost died, and I dont want that to happen to someone really special, like all of you. My dad had a boat in NY

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Harbor. We could go there and get off of this disease-ridden continent. We could make it to Europe in about a week, and start a new life there" "Yeh, this all seems to make mo sence now." says the old man.
"Thankyou!" I shout.
"Allright, so here's

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the plan...

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Chapter VII

BANG! BANG! *moann*
"These zombies are out of controll!" shouted Mitch.
"What do you expect, bro?! They're hungry! FOR US!" I shout as we drive back through

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the diseased New York City. We jacked up our Ford Pickup with an extra layer of steel, reinforced glass, spikes on the front, and a hole on top to shoot Oldy's Browning. "We're invincible!" Says Oldy."
Despite everyone's high spirits, Kaitlyn didn't

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seem to happy.
"Hey, Kaitlyn, whay arent you happy? This is one of the biggest epidemics possible, and we are surviving it with flying colors!" "You should be proud."
"Zack, I am, but think about our families, friends, and relatives. They're all gone"

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she said while looking at Nick, Sam, and Jessie. "Well, at least MY family is gone." You all have your family.
"Kaitlyn," says Oldy, "Your family isn't entirely gone. You have us, see."
"*Sniff* Yeah, I guess your right," she said, trying to muster a

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"I appreciate this touching moment, 'cause we all needed a spirit-lightner, but, please, more killing and less talking!" "We're getting swarmed!"
We made it to the dock in a matter of minuets, and the front of our

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previously-navy-blue-Ford was now a heavy coat of dark red.
"Damnit! Our boat is out of gas!" says Mitch.
"Fuck..." I mutter under my breath. "Oldy, get up in that truck, and shoot the hell outta these undead freaks! everyone eles, drain the gas from

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the other boats into these buckets, and pour it into ours! We WILL get off of this realm of the undead, no matter what!" I say as everyone cheers.
"Kaitlyn, you do the honors of the last bucket!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Oldy, getcher ass back down here!

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You have been up there WAY too long!" I say.
"Yeeaahhhh, boyeee! I havn't had this much fun in ages!" He says as he blows a hoard to pieces.
"Are you drunk?" Says Mitch. "You seem to be!"
"Shattap, kid!"
"OLDY! I said get your ass down here!"

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"Im coming, god damnit!"
"You all ready?"
"Hell yeah! lets blow this popsicle stand!"
"Yes! it actually works still!"
Slowly we pull off, picking up speed.
"Well, guys, take one last look. It's the last time you

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will ever see what used to be the United States.

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The crew decided to stick together, and they all lived in a fairly large house together, but took different jobs. Kaitlyn became a desease doctor, Zack a marine, Jessie became a the first European

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Softball coach, Sam became a carpenter, Oldy, he... didn't last much longer. But he left the way he wanted too... shooting zombie targets while drunk on Vodka. Nick became a video game designer, and Mitch became a suvival class teacher.