"Star Wars:Book 2" by FuryFalcon12

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Minecraft Star Wars
The Clones
-------------------Chapter 1: Dligh Planet Chapter 2: The Clones
Chapter 3: The Bounty Chapter 4: The Battle
Chapter 5: Hyperspace
Chapter 6: Apprentice
Chapter 7: Fofo
Chapter 8: New Ship

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Chapter 9: Its Finished
Chapter 10: The End?
------------------- Dligh Planet
------------------- On the planet Dligh Ryan was searching for a bountyhunter that tried to kill him in the pass. He located the Bounty Hunter Slamp on the planet

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Dligh. The bountyhunter Slamp was the last one in the galaxy. So Ryan didn't want anymore to come after them during Stan's training. He could not find the bountyhunter but then he saw a factory creating Clones in the building! So he started to be worried.

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------------------- The Clones
-------------------When he saw the Clones he asked Flenner for them. But he said "Ask the owner of them". But the owner was knowhere to be seen. So Flenner said "maybe I can sell them to you". So Ryan took the deal.

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He saw how much clones they made! There had to be about 10 million clones and they would not stop creating them. Then he saw people down below in a bubble banging on a glass wondering what is happening! So later Ryan saw someone running!

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------------------- The Bounty
-------------------The person that was running had a bounty hunter mask and guns. So Ryan ran to the guy! But the guy shot him and Ryan took his lightsaber out and blocked it. He has been trying to find the bounty

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hunter for years and he finnaly found him. The bounty hunter shot 8 times and went into his ship ready to flee. Ryan threw his lightsaber and missed. He used the force to bring it back to him. Ryan almost got the bounty hunter. He got the clones to go to

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another planet.
------------------- The Battle
------------------- Ryan arrived at the planet and saw someone being tied up and going to be eaten. He saw it was Stan that was tied up. Even Lenny was tied up. So soon after they realeased the

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monsters to eat Stan and Lenny! They both screamed then Ryan jumped up and cut both of there ropes Stan grabbed his lightsaber and Lenny was hiding. Stan and Ryan were battling the monsters and they won! But then Jabba was mad! So he grabbed every

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bandit he had even the bounty hunter! Than Ryan saw Fofo and a whole bunch of other jedi's! Even the clones were there! They were almost defeated! But Ryan finnaly killed the bounty hunter! Than they fleeded! But the clones turned on them and killed most

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the jedi accept for three! They were Ryan Fofo and Stan! So they went on Stan's ship to leave.
------------------- HyperSpace
-------------------Hyperspace took a long time to get out to. So they were talking about some stuff. Than R9-ST and

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C4-ST was out of there charging station. So they decided to watch the SO-TV program. They were watching a docomentry of Jedi's! They finnaly got out of hyperspace and the movie ended! Then they saw a person in a dark robe! -------------------

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------------------- Apprentice
-------------------It was the Sith lords apprentice! He was out to destroy the jedi's from existing! He was very powerful the last time Fofo saw him. The apprentice was Stans dad! Stan's dad's name was Billy!

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He used to be one of the strongest jedi in the galaxy. Stan was furiouse when billy told him "join the dark side son"! But Stan refused! So they went into a lightsaber battle! Then Billy said "nice lightsaber son". Then they started! Stan was beaten! But

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Ryan got into Stans spaceship and started to go! Then Stan jumped on the ship and just saved his life!
------------------- Fofo
-------------------Fofo was thinking of something. Somthing terrifying! He didn't tell anyone atleast not

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yet. He told Stan about his wife and his dad. His dad was forced to be the Sith's apprentice. They said if you dont join me I will brainwash you! So you wont remember anything! But he couldnt get brainwashed because he just found out he is having a baby!

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When Stan heard the story he started to make a better ship.
------------------- New Ship
-------------------Stan put more speed boosters on his ship more laser guns. He also added a touch of some grenades on the side to shoot out at peoples ships.

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He almost finished it! Stan can go 100,000,000,000 MPH on his ship! It has been the fastest ship in the galaxy ever made! He also added a cloak mode so no one will see him. He went to the deathstar and they destoryed it!

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------------------- It's Finished
-------------------After so many years! He finnaly destoryed the deathstar! After so many years! They finnaly destroyed the big moon that circled around the galaxy! It was no longer above the sky! Thank goodness!

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He thought he destroyed his father and the Sith though!
------------------- The End?
-------------------Is the Empire finnaly over Stan wondered. But it wasnt. The Sith lord was still alive and his Farther was to. So he began to worry but he tried

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to not get worried. So Stan wanted to use the force so he can seek his father. But he couldn't. He was to far in the galaxy! So he went to his ship I went to the planet Helsop. To seak some stormtroopers to kill so he can seak his father! That is where

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are story ends!
------------------- Want to join our business HeroInc? If so msg FuryFalcon12 the owner of the company! You can be a resteraunt worker or a writer! Low pay only $20 though! If you want to know when the next book comes out Msg FuryFalcon12!