"Cass and Artemis" by Batgirrl

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I'm writing you this letter because of what happend recently. I want you to know that we will always be friends and I will always trust you. You were there for me since the start, we fought criminals together, we faced a thousand dangers and horrors. And

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you always had my back and i'm sorry if I never had yours. I will never know if you read this letter or not. I just wanted you to know that you will always be my bestfriend you and Artemis. I can't even put into this letter how much I love you both.

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I could never imagine my life without you guys. And I know you went undercover to protect everyone, I would actually do the same thing. I just was mad because you never told me. Artemis, you are so cool and you are one of the best fighters I know

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also so pretty any guy would be lucky to have you. Cassandra, you can be moody at times but you are kind hearted when things get rough, thats why I never agreed with you turning off your humanity, and who cares about what all those jerks say about you

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because you should know that you're great at protecting people. I love you girls and I hope things can go back to the way it was before, you guys are my only real friends.

- Babs